Tips for Maintaining Your Pool in the Winter

Maintaining your fiberglass pool in the winter is something that’s easy to forget about, especially if you aren’t using it. However, by properly taking care of your pool during the off season, it can benefit it in many ways.
Why Winter Pool Maintenance Matters
But first, Remember to Winterize Your Fiberglass Swimming Pool
Once the temperatures have fallen below 65 degrees Fahrenheit, it is time to close up your pool.
First of all, test the chemicals in the pool water. This includes alkalinity, pH, calcium, and chlorine.
Next, as part of winterizing your pool, you should turn off the power supply to the pool and remove any on/off trippers to prevent the pump from turning on.
Then, remove any accessories: ladders, steps, skimmer baskets, cleaners, etc. Even when the sun is shining in the winter, it can potentially damage these items.
After that, it is time to roll up your sleeves and give your pool the deep cleaning it deserves and needs. Skim the surface of the water. Vacuum the bottom. Brush the floor and sides.
Additionally, you need to lower the water levels. It will not cause damage to the pool if you drop the water four to five inches below the skimmer. However, Leisure Pools™ does not recommend dropping it 16 inches below the returns.
Further, pool skimmers should also be protected with a product such as a “gizmo” (a product designed to absorb any expansion of winter freezing in pool skimmers), even if the water is lowered just below the skimmer. Why? Because rainwater can potentially build up on top of the pool cover, which will, in turn, force water back into the skimmer.
Finally, be sure to drain all of the equipment to prevent any water within from freezing, expanding, or potentially causing any damage. Use a blower to clear the water from the pool lines.
Of course, be sure to cover your pool, as well. (More on this below, but this is a key step in protecting your pool overall.)
Now that you have that done, it is time to update yourself on some basic winter pool maintenance tips. Just because you are not using your pool during the winter months (unless, of course, you live in a warm climate), it still needs some attention to keep it operating at its best during the peak season.
Winter Pool Maintenance Tips
If you want to enjoy your inground backyard fiberglass swimming pool the first day the temperatures begin to soar again, then keeping it well-maintained in the off months can make that an easy transition.
Here are a few guidelines to keep your fiberglass pool in optimum shape during the winter:
1. Use a Pool Cover
It is important your pool cover fits properly and has no tears or rips. The goal of a pool cover is to prevent animals, debris, and rainwater from getting into your pool. Plus, a pool cover helps to maintain the chemical balance in the pool. If your pool doesn’t have a cover, our sister company Integra Pool Covers, can hook you up.
2. Prevent Freezing
When the temperatures take a nosedive, the pipes in your pool will be the first things affected. Be sure your pool has been drained to prevent water from freezing, expanding, or potentially causing any damage to your pool. Use a blower to clear any excess water from your pool lines. If you want to add an extra layer of caution, you could add some antifreeze to the pool lines.

3. Add Algaecide and Shock
Algaecide kills algae. Shock kills bacteria. Be sure to circulate the chemicals evenly around the pool. If you use a chlorine shock, do not add it at the same time you add the algaecide.
4. Add Chemicals
When you add enzymes and chlorine to the pool water, contaminants harboring underneath that pool cover can be broken down. Plus, the chlorine helps to keep waterline ring from forming.
5. Keep Up With the Weather
First of all, be sure to keep an eye on the forecast. Uncontrollable weather elements can wreak havoc on your fiberglass pool. Next, be aware of incoming high winds that can bring excess debris into the pool. Rain can also dilute the pool water. Finally, freezing temperatures can cause damage to your pool. (See #2 above.)
6. Clean Your Fiberglass Pool
Once each week, break out your cleaning supplies and equipment and give your pool a once-over cleaning. Be sure to skim the pool, vacuum it, and check the following: pool floors, pool wall, skimmer basket, filter, water level, and equipment.
When you properly take care of your inground fiberglass backyard swimming pool in the winter months, you can protect the pool and its equipment from damage caused by freezing and other weather elements. As a result, you can ensure a smooth pool opening the following season.The goal in preparing and maintaining your pool for the winter is to avoid significant problems, such as freezing, cracks, and damage to any equipment.
As always, if you need any professional insight or guidance on this matter, be sure to reach out to your local Leisure Pools™ dealer.